NOLA Brings Maker Faire to Surabaya in 2024
The largest global Show (and Tell) event, Maker Faire, has finally come to Indonesia, with Surabaya being the inaugural city for this event. This event is designed to be family-friendly and highlights discoveries, creativity, and the celebration of the Maker movement. It provides a platform for participants, referred to as “Makers,” to display their works and share the knowledge they’ve gained during the creation process.
Makers from various backgrounds, including tech enthusiasts, scientists, amateur inventors, and even hobbyists from home environments, are carefully selected to present and discuss their projects. The event is inclusive, welcoming Makers of all ages and backgrounds. The Maker Faire aims to entertain, inform, foster connections, and, importantly, nurture the development of Makers.
In 2024, the Maker Faire in Surabaya will showcase individuals involved in Urban Toys, Robotics, IoT, Board Games, as well as contributions from educational institutions, all of whom will exhibit and discuss their creations.